Return of the Jedi (Star Wars, Episode VI) James Kahn  
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It was a dark time for the Rebel Alliance...
Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, had been delivered into the hands of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Determined to rescue him, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Lando Calrissian launched a hazardous mission against Jabba's Tatooine stronghold.
The Rebel commanders gathered all the warships of the Rebel fleet into a single giant armada. And Darth Vader and the Emperor, who had ordered construction to begin on a new and even more powerful Death Star, were making plans to crush the Rebel Alliance once and for all (.

The Return of the King J. R. R. Tolkien, Rob Inglis  
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The climactic volume of the trilogy, wherein the little hobbit and his trusty companions make a terrible journey to the heart of the land of the Shadow in a final reckoning with the power of Sauron.

The Revenge of the Baby-Sat Bill Watterson  
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The praise and popularity of Calvin and Hobbes continue to escalate as the hottest comic strip around reaches its fifth birthday. With keen insight, Bill Watterson depicts life through the eyes of a child, and the limits of our imaginations are challenged as we accompany Calvin and Hobbes while they stir up trouble, travel through time, transmogrify themselves—and just have fun in everything they do.

Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Peter Mark Roget, Brenda Jackson, Ronald L. McDonald  
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In response to consumer demand, Roget's II now features near-synonyms, antonyms, and near-antonyms. Includes alphabetical listings, usage examples for every entry, and complete cross-referencing. Lists and defines 35,000 synonyms.

Rogue Planet (Star Wars) Greg Bear  
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You've seen the blockbuster The Phantom Menace™. You've read the #1 New York Times bestselling book based on George Lucas's masterpiece. Now, before the eagerly awaited release of Episode II, comes a stunning new Star Wars novel from one of science fiction's greatest talents, a writer universally acclaimed for his keen grasp of cutting-edge science and the brilliance of his page-turning plots: multiple Hugo- and Nebula-Award winning author Greg Bear. The result is pure adrenaline—an unforgettable journey stretching from the farthest reaches of known space to the battlefield of a young boy's heart, where a secret struggle is being waged that will decide the fate of billions.

That boy is twelve-year-old Anakin Skywalker. The Force is strong in Anakin . . . so strong that the Jedi Council, despite misgivings, entrusted the young Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi with the mission of training him to become a Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan—like his murdered master Qui-Gon— believes Anakin may be the Chosen One, the Jedi destined to bring balance to the Force. But first Obi-Wan must help his undisciplined, idealistic apprentice, who still bears the scars of slavery, find his own balance.

Dispatched to the mysterious planet of Zonama Sekot, source of the fastest ships in the galaxy, Obi-Wan and Anakin are swept up in a swirl of deadly intrigue and betrayal. For the Trade Federation is interested in Zonama Sekot as well. Raith Sienar, a brilliant but unscrupulous weapons and ship designer, seizes the opportunity to make a killing by stealing the secret of the superfast ships.

As Sienar strikes with all the brutal power of the Trade Federation, Obi-Wan and Anakin sense a disturbance in the Force unlike any they have encountered before. It seems there are more secrets on Zonama Sekot than meet the eye.

The search for those secrets will threaten the bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin . . . and bring the troubled young apprentice face-to-face with his deepest fears—and his darkest destiny.

Rolling Stone: The Photographs Laurie Kratochvil  
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This compilation in full colour of award-winning photographs from the "Rolling Stone" magazine, provides a visual chronicle of American pop music culture of the last 21 years as reflected in the magazine.

Running Mac OS X Panther James Duncan Davidson  
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Running Mac OS X Panther takes readers deep inside Mac OS X's core, revealing the inner workings of Panther for those who want to get the most out of their system. It is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife™ for power users who want to customize, tweak, and generally rev up their Mac. The easy-to-follow format is organized into three primary parts:Getting Started introduces you to Mac OS X?where it came from, how it's put together, and how it worksAdministration Essentials gives you the tools you need to examine how your system is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operationNetworking and Network Services covers all the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it, including wireless and spontaneous networkingDeveloper Tools, including Xcode, for Mac OS X are discussed throughout the book where needed to accomplish the task at hand. The appendices that follow include handy quick reference materials for things such as Open Firmware.